DANAI Mission

DANAI provides education, training, advocacy and support for its nurse members in collaboration with its stakeholders, whilst highlighting and promoting the ethical and competent standards of specialist nurses who operate within the DANAI quality assurance framework.

DANAI and Patient Safety

Regulation of the Aesthetics Industry

The aesthetics industry in Ireland is not regulated and as such any person can offer complex aesthetic treatments. Under the current arrangements of non-regulation we strongly advise the following for members of the public seeking aesthetic treatments:

  • Go to a recognised medical professional who is able to show you that they are a member of a ‘Governing Body’ that regulates their behavior via an agreed Code of Conduct – Examples would be the Nurse and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), the Irish Medical Council, and the Irish Dental Association (IDA).
  • Go to a website like www.DANAI.ie where we identify that listed practitioners operate under the DANAI Code of Conduct and are qualified and registered nurses
  • Ask for proof of registration, charter marks and for patient recommendations where available.

DANAI - Key Current Functions

  • To act as an expert resource for its membership
  • To provide guidance on best practice to ensure safe and ethical practice by its nurses
  • To give members access to information on all aspects of the aesthetics sector, business support, training, conferences and research
  • To facilitate networking, guidance and support to members and inform and educate the public/media
  • Organising the DANAI Bi-Annual Conference and its infrastructure of regional meetings, lectures, workshops and exhibitions
  • To work effectively with all stakeholders
  • To facilitate networking
  • To influence policy making at the highest level

Key Underpinning Statements

  • We will continue to promote the highest standards of professional and aesthetic practice standards for nurses in line with those required by the NMBI and other standard setting bodies.
  • We will continue to provide high level advice and policy guidance in relation to key issues affecting our members including education, training, standards and Codes of Practice.
  • We will promote and clarify the agreed standards for conduct, ethics, proficiency, education and training and continuing professional development as set by all statutory bodies.
  • We will hold members accountable to their professional standards and those standards set by DANAI for Membership and deal fairly and proportionally with complaints and concerns.
  • We will strive to deliver a range of member services that will reflect our growing and changing membership structure.
  • We will enhance our presence and profile to both attract potential new members, retain our current membership and to influence key decision makers in the sector.
  • We will seek to be a key port of call for the media when seeking responses on issues regarding nurses and aesthetic treatments.
  • We will continue to work with our stakeholders and business partners to maximise benefits to the Association and its members.
  • We will aim to increase our Membership by numbers and across a wider geographical area of the UK and in key overseas locations.
  • We will build on our current financial strategy to ensure the future sustainability of the Association.
  • We will operate in a way that reflects the terms of our constitution as well as principles of best practice in governance of professional associations.

Key Drivers of the Strategy

Political / Environmental

  • The emergence of new bodies, structures and regulations associated with the aesthetic sector.
  • Growing public and press/media reaction to the practice of aesthetics.
  • Growing debate on standards, competences and rights to practice.
  • Competing Associations.
  • Increasing demand from the public for clear guidance on which practitioners to use.
  • Confusing regulatory frameworks for aesthetics.
  • New European Directives on non-surgical treatments
  • Increasing litigation in the world of aesthetic practice
  • Establishment of Voluntary Registers for aesthetic practitioners.

Education, Training and Standards

  • Establishment of Voluntary Registers for aesthetic practitioner
  • The emergence of an industry agreed set of educational, clinical and practice based standards from the newly established Cosmetic Practice Standards Authority (CPSA).
  • Issuing by the NMBI of a new Code of Conduct for nurses and cosmetic interventions.
  • Inconsistent approach to education, training and qualifications in the field by academic institutions, private training companies and Awarding Bodies.
  • Major debate over the requirement for training at different levels and how it is delivered.
  • Emerging and confusing accreditation systems.

Membership Changing Needs and Requirements

  • Increasing membership numbers
  • Designing services that meet different profiles of members.
  • Members making greater and more complicated demands on the Association.
  • The delivery by other players in the aesthetic sector of services and support to nurses.

Membership Changing Needs and Requirements

  • Growing demand on the Association to do more with only limited resources.
  • Increasing cost of the delivery of services
  • Increased competition from other bodies in the sector offering services to DANAI members.

Core Strategic Objectives

DANAI Core Strategic Objectives have been derived from the Vision Statement, key underpinning statements and key drivers:

  • To develop and agree a clear set of values and a remit for DANAI that meets the changing environment in which it operates
  • To improve, develop and grow high quality support services and programmes that provide value for all DANAI members
  • To develop and enhance the reputation and importance of DANAI as the voice of aesthetic nurses and as a major influence within the sector.
  • To grow membership numbers.
  • To grow and enhance the support infrastructure provided for DANAI nurses at national and regional levels.
  • To establish and maintain high quality partnerships and relations with external partners and sponsors to benefit DANAI .
  • To develop the DANAI Education, Training and CPD functions.
  • To deliver an effective DANAI Communication Plan for our members and the wider aesthetic industry utilising the latest digital technology in addition to existing traditional methods of communication.
  • To provide a sustainable business model to deliver financial sustainability for DANAI.
  • To improve and update the governance of DANAI.

The Strategic Plan 2017/20 contains the key actions, target dates and Lead Responsibilities for implementing the Plan.